Thursday 7 February 2013

Kayaking /Paddling with Isla Adventures

Kayaks, first built by the Inuits in North America, were used to hunt on inland lands. Estimated to be at least 4,000 years old, kayaks in their earliest forms were made from stitched seal or other animal skins over a frame made from whalebone. These vessels got their buoyancy with seal bladders filled with air, tucked into the fore and aft sections of the kayak.
Today’s kayaks, typically built with fiberglass, wood, rotomolded plastic or Kevlar, are designed more for recreation for a number of different water environments, including lakes, whitewater rivers, and seas. At the heart of kayaking is paddling, but there’s a lot more to learn about the techniques and equipment to ensure beginners are safe, aware and enjoying themselves.

Kayaking in Cebu

It is our vision to promote the paddling culture in Metro Cebu and provide a common venue for all kayak enthusiasts to meet others regardless of skill level. Isla Adventures together with Krazy Ventures offers Kayak Rentals, Guided Kayak Trips and Tours, Kayaking Instructionals and Clinics, and Kayak Retail Sales.

Kayaking 101: Learning the ABCs of Kayaking from Chico Estrera

Taking  break from kayaking

Even kids can do it!

Venue: Estrera Beach House, Marigondon, Lapulapu City

Package Inclusives:
Beach entry.
Gears (paddles, personal floating device / life vest, etc.).
Kayak rentals.
Half-day paddling lessons.

For advance paddlers, we also do expedition cross-channel paddling to nearby islands at a different rate.

09329343164 (Osang)
09334183221 (Niiru)
09332340529 (Tborz)

Join us and we will help you with Work-Life Balance. Enjoy the outdoors safely and responsibly!


  1. This is interesting. But what if we have our own kayak? We do have our own inflatable Sea Eagle.

    Is it required to use your kayak? Can we avail of discounts?
